Welcome to my humble website

Please, make free with the place and settle in for as long as makes you comfortable.

The Idea

Blog That Book is a simple idea. Review fiction books and hopefully offer a little inspiration to visitors that may encourage them to try something they otherwise may overlook.


Primarily, I indulge in Sci-Fi but tend to avoid the overly heavy intellectual stuff. We're looking for enjoyment here, not education. I often dabble in the depth of Urban Fantasy and the vast and varied worlds that genre offers. You'll even find a few old classics dotted about the place. But, I'm afraid if Fantasy is more to your taste, then regrettably, you'll find this little corner of the internet lacking, it simply isn't to my taste, sorry.


You may like to bear in mind that I won't be found eagerly awaiting the latest and greatest releases. I look for books that entice me and ignite a spark of interest, and those could come from any era or background. Basically, anything that takes my fancy at the time. I hold no bias. Having said that, I don't actively avoid current releases. If something grabs my attention, then bring it on. But, even then, I tend to leave newly acquired books on the shelf for a little while to mature before I imbibe.


You'll find heartfelt, spoiler-free Reviews as the main offering. You can also indulge in Favourites, where you'll discover some of my all-time favourite and, dare I say, life-changing books. But keep an eye on this section, I predict it'll change often. Then there are the Archives, (coming soon) where you can reference every review via our quick visual search pages of book cover thumbnails. See if it features something you're interested in, and check out my opinion. I also hope you'll find the number of external links and titbits dotted throughout the site informational and useful.


Once you've indulged to your heart's content, why not pop over to the Contacts page and drop me a line. Let me know what you like and what you don't like. What I've got right and what I've got wrong. Which of my opinions you disagree with and which you don't. Even suggest books you think I should take a look at. I'd be more than happy to hear from you no matter what it's regarding.

A little bit of me

I'm a pretty ordinary boring bloke really. I'm good with my hands, love action comic art (Image Comics the early years) I like my coffee freshly ground, I'll kill for good cheesecake and pizza, I’m a sci-fi and action movie fan, and wish I lived in Banff Canada, I workout with calesthenics a little and hate the 9 to 5.
I love to read but it does take a lot of work for me, my dyslexia sees to that, so I have to read slowly. I finally decided to teach myself to read at the age of 22. But that's a long story I won't bore you with. I treat every novel I've read on my shelves as a trophy of achievement because it can be such hard work.
I also treasure every book I own and do my utmost to keep each and every one in pristine condition.
I had aspirations of becoming a novelist earlier on in life. I wrote but didn't fully complete four novel ideas. I wasn't deluding myself, I knew my dyslexia would be a huge problem, spelling and grammar being fairly important as a writer. At thirty I met the woman who would become my wife, a fellow writer. When she landed herself a publishing deal, and I saw just what is involved in producing a completed manuscript for a saleable book, I realised I'd never be able to manage to do that. So I decided to put away my pen and vicariously revel in my wife's success.

My favourite style of book

I mainly like to read Sci-fi, but tend to steer clear of the hard tech stuff, I prefer character-driven stories.
Urban fantasy does a lot for me, but it has to be just up my street or It'll struggle to hold my interest.
I cut my teeth on Dean Koontz.

My review rating system

5 Stars: "Awe Inspiring!"

This book had a profound effect on me.

4 Stars: "Great Stuff!"

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Good story, characters and pace.

3 Stars: "So So."

This read was ok but it didn't really hit many pleasure points for me.

2 Stars: "A Struggle."

I had to push myself just to finish this book. It didn't work for me on many different levels. I got quite bored.

1 Star: "I Shouldn't Have Bothered."

I had to abandon the book before completion. There was zero connection for me and next to nothing positive coming from the read. And believe me, I try my damnedest to finish every book I start.