A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (1843)

Warming: A gem

Book cover blurb

Well, this is embarrassing, there is no cover blurb for this fine old book. Simply a characteristic of how The Folio Society produces its editions. Rigid slipcase and no sleeve over the hardback book itself.

I’d hate for you to feel cheated so here is the cover blurb from the 2005 Candlewick Press release.

The story of Ebenezer Scrooge opens on a Christmas Eve as cold as Scrooge's own heart. That night, he receives three ghostly visitors: the terrifying spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come. Each takes him on a heart-stopping journey, yielding glimpses of Tiny Tim and Bob Cratchit, the horrifying spectres of Want and Ignorance, even Scrooge's painfully hopeful younger self. Will Scrooge's heart be opened? Can he reverse the miserable future he is forced to see?

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My Review

I’ve wanted to try Charles Dickens for some time now but have been put off because of the impression that his writings may be dark, depressing and humourless. But, considering Christmas is almost upon us, or at least it was when I originaly wrote this review, I finally decided that A Christmas Carol might be the best way to test the water.

The first problem is an obvious one, you can’t help but already know this story inside and out, thanks to the innumerable adaptations and retellings in all kinds of media there have been over the years. But if you can accept that and simply revel in the fact that this is the original then it’s well worth your time. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this book and it even managed to squeeze a tear or two from me toward the end. Despite the initial content being dour, I felt that Dickens’ writing throughout had a hint of levity to it which carried me along and never allowed things to get too dark.

I did find myself struggling with some of the phrasings. I’m assuming those were colloquialisms of the time, but they didn’t get in the way of my enjoyment.

And yes, I will be trying one of Dickens’ more expansive stories in the future, once I’ve built up the courage and decided on which one it will be.

My copy of this novel

Folio Society hardback edition.

Published in 2008

173 pages


The Midnight Library by Matt Haig (2020)


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