Cascade Failure by L.M. Sagas (2024)

Tor paperback edition of Cascade Failure by L.M. Sagas

Absolute must read

Book cover blurb

There are only three real powers in the universe: the corporate power of the Trust versus the Union's labor's leverage. And between them, the Guild tries to keep everyone's hands above the table. It ain't easy.

Branded a Guild deserter, Jal "accidentally" lands a ride on a Guild ship. Helmed by an AI, with a ship's engineer/medic who doesn't see much of a difference between the two jobs, and a "don't make me shoot you" XO, the Guild crew of the Ambit is a little . . . different.

They're also in over their heads. Responding to a distress call from an abandoned planet, they find a mass grave, and a live programmer who knows how it happened. The Trust has plans. This isn't the first dead planet, and it's not going to be the last.

Unless the crew of the Ambit can stop it.

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My Review

I was around halfway through chapter two when I realised this book was already a five-star read. Setting aside the character work for a moment. The prose made such an impact on me, but not exactly for the usual reason. It isn’t what you might call purple prose. But, in the most curious way, it embellishes the story with colourful side notes and intricacies without slowing or derailing the story at all. Something I would have said categorically impossible before I read Cascade Failure.

Mind-blowing prose is one thing, but that doesn’t guarantee great characters and a compelling world. Well, rest assured, Sagas most definitely doesn’t disappoint in these departments. The characters here are utterly compelling, totally individual and fascinating to get to know. From Eoan, the ship’s (The Ambit) A.I, holographic projection and captain, to the foulmouthed, weapon-loving ship’s mechanic, Nash, and Saint, the chilled-out guitar-playing ex-military hard-ass, to the newest crew addition, Jal, the heavily augmented ranger and deserter on the run, then there’s the rescue pickup, the bubbly, nonstop chattering, all-round lovable, Anke. Oh, and there’s even a ship’s cat, always a delightful addition.

But, just when you think this is going to be a straightforward action romp, the author grabs your emotions and gives them a damn good squeeze. At pretty much around the midpoint, there is a revelation about Jal’s history that emotionally affects every member of the crew, even the ship’s A.I. The reveal is expected, building from very early on, but you’re not sure what it’s going to be. But what I didn’t expect was just how hard it would hit. If this section of the story doesn’t make you at least well up, then you’re tougher than me. It completely broke me. It was beautiful. I hadn’t realised just how much these characters had got under my skin until this point. I am already completely enamoured with these characters and this book.

And don’t think you’re let off the hook that easily. There is more heartstring-pulling to come, and those strings will be tugged with brutal force. That I spent the next 200 pages reading through the blur of hanging tears is testament to that fact. Or maybe I’m just a great big softy. I don’t know when, or even how it happened; after all, this is just a team-up action sci-fi story, right? Well, you’ll become deeply invested in these characters, their pasts and their ongoing stories. You’ll feel like part of this crew, or that you want to be. You’ll be right there with them and feel everything they feel, the good and the bad. The betrayal, of course (there has to be betrayal) and when it comes you’ll fight it, refuse to believe it, want it to be a mistake.

How L.M. Sagas achieves this level of depth to your attachment can only be explained as sheer wizardry. You want a character-driven story? This is the only book you need to consider. Cascade Failure is a five-star book, no question. It blew me away. I loved it and can’t wait for book two ‘Gravity Lost’ to arrive. My preorder is already in. Cascade Failure has also found a well-deserved spot amongst my all-time favourite books.

My copy of this novel

Tor paperback edition.

Published in 12024

405 pages

ISBN 9781250871251

Useful links

Tor Publishing


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