Elsewhere by Dean Koontz (2020)

Thomas & Mercer hardback edition of Elsewhere by Dean Koontz

The usual rollercoaster ride

Book cover blurb

The fate of the world is in their hands

Since his wife Michelle left, Jeffy Coltrane has worked hard to raise his eleven-year-old daughter, Amity, in Suavidad Beach. It’s a quiet life, until a local eccentric known as Spooky Ed shows up.

Ed entrusts Jeffy with a strange object he calls ‘the key to everything’: but tells Jeffy he must never use the device. But after a visit from some ominous men, Jeffy and Amity accidentally activate the key and discover that it allows them to jump between parallel planes at once familiar and bizarre, wondrous and terrifying. And Jeffy and Amity can’t help but wonder, could Michelle be just a click away?

They aren’t the only ones interested in the device. A man with a dark purpose is determined to use it for profound evil. Unless Amity and Jeffy can outwit him, the world they call home may never be safe again.

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My Review

Most of the Dean Koontz books I've read I did so back in the '80s and '90s, and since it's been such a long time, and I've piled on so many years, I thought it would be nice to revisit one of my all-time favourite authors by reading his latest offering, Elsewhere.

Well, I guess it's comforting to know that nothing has really changed, it's the same old Koontz I loved from way back when.
Similar characters, situations and developments. But you know what, that's just fine by me. I think I was expecting him to have changed as a writer, to have developed, but why should he? He's highly successful and is obviously writing about the things he loves to write about, and I for one commend him for it.

If you're a Koontz fan, you know exactly what you're going to get from this book. If you're new to Koontz then strap in and simply enjoy the roller-coaster! This is one of his more streamlined offerings, where it's almost all about driving forward the action and very little time spent on the characters or world. No, this is by no means a perfect book. It's not going to crack your mind open and jam in some existential offerings that will change your thinking for life. What it will give you is a very enjoyable and speedy read, and sometimes that's all a book needs to give you.

My copy of this novel

Thomas & Mercer hardback edition.

Published in 2020

353 pages

ISBN 9780008291280


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