Street Freaks by Terry Brooks (2018)

Grim Oak Press hardback edition of Street Freaks by Terry Brooks


Book cover blurb

It begins with a dire call—right before his father disappears and his skyscraper home’s doors explode inward. It is the kind of thrilling futuristic story only New York Times bestselling author Terry Brooks can tell.

“Go into the Red Zone. Go to Street Freaks.” his father directs Ashton Collins before the vid feed goes suddenly silent. The Red Zone is the dangerous heart of the mega-city of Los Angeles; it is a world Ash is forbidden from and one he knows little about. But if he can find Street Freaks, the strangest of aid awaits—human and barely human alike. As Ash is hunted, he must unravel the mystery left behind by his father and discover his role in this new world.

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My Review

I was quite jazzed about this book for the first couple of chapters, I thought there was a lot of potential for the world and happenings within it. Unfortunately, things went downhill incredibly quickly.

Basically, this is a book aimed squarely at very young boys, my ten-year-old self may have enjoyed it...well, some of it, maybe. But this whole book is so dumbed down I actually felt insulted for the youngsters this thing is aimed at. And don't get me started on the love story side of things because that was simply ridiculous to the point of laughable.

I think I feel more let-down than disappointed with this book. I have fond memories of reading ‘The Word and the Void’ trilogy. Twenty-plus years ago, and was hoping a sci-fi offering by Brooks might give me that same buzz all over again. Alas, it was not to be.

My copy of this novel

Grimm Oak Press hardback edition.

Published in 2018

376 pages

ISBN 9781944145200


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