What I’m currently reading…

Judge Dredd Year One

Abaddon Books paperback edition of Judge Dredd Year One

I know these 2000AD novels aren’t what you would call mainstream reads for book lovers, since their origins were established in comics, but I love this world. So I’m indulging myself.

Neuromancer by William Gibson (1984)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Neuromancer by William Gibson (1984)

Throughout this entire read, or at least from very early on, I had one recurring thought punch me right in the grey matter, ‘this book is forty years old!?’ I can’t quite imagine just what those first readers in 1984 must have thought when they delved into this insanity back then.

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Mission of Gravity by Hal Clement (1954)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Mission of Gravity by Hal Clement (1954)

I didn't get exactly what I was expecting here. But then, do you ever with lesser-known classic Sci-Fi books? Mission of Gravity doesn't follow the first contact formula we usually see today.

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Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding (2009)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding (2009)

You know those days when you're just sick of the world and everything about it? Those days when you decide you're just going to hide from everything and everyone?

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Mockingbird by Walter Tevis (1980)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Mockingbird by Walter Tevis (1980)

Ok, this is my second read of this book, my first being so far back I could only remember a few key elements of the story. But I can still vividly remember the profound effect it had on me at the time.

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Stormblood by Jeremy Szal (2020)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Stormblood by Jeremy Szal (2020)

I was hooked on this book at the beginning. It's a pretty cool world with a nice variety of characters and some nice backstory, so it's hard for me to say it just didn't float my boat.

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Skyward by Brandon Sanderson (2018)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Skyward by Brandon Sanderson (2018)

Ok, I can admit it, this is a really good book.
And to think I wasn't going to read it after reading, or trying and failing to read, Elantris.

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The Shrinking Man by Richard Matheson (1956)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

The Shrinking Man by Richard Matheson (1956)

Even-though I've only given this book a three star rating, I did actually enjoy the writing. However, the mood portrayed during the entire story is a different matter.
To be blunt…

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