What I’m currently reading…

Judge Dredd Year One

Abaddon Books paperback edition of Judge Dredd Year One

I know these 2000AD novels aren’t what you would call mainstream reads for book lovers, since their origins were established in comics, but I love this world. So I’m indulging myself.

Changeless by Gail Carriger (2010)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Changeless by Gail Carriger (2010)

Book two with Alexia Tarabotti, gets off to a great start in chapter one. Continuing series editions can be tricky, too much recap and reintroduction and you’ll alienate diehard readers, but not enough and the casual reader could end up lost and confused. Carriger handles this exceptionally well…

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Fool Moon by Jim Butcher (2001)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Fool Moon by Jim Butcher (2001)

I have to admit this story seems to observe a lot of the same traits book one did. Harry stretched for money, Murphy's career in jeopardy, and grisly murders to turn Harry's stomach.

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Soulless by Gail Carriger (2009)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Soulless by Gail Carriger (2009)

After reading a sample of this book, just the first chapter, it looked like it would just be a lot of frumpy fun. And I was up for that because sometimes that's just what you need.

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Storm Front by Jim Butcher (2000)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Storm Front by Jim Butcher (2000)

I don't think I remember ever reading a 'fuller' book. How Butcher manages to introduce so much of his world and so many of the characters populating it in such a relatively short novel is quite mind-blowing.

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The Aeronaut's Windlass by Jim Butcher (2015)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

The Aeronaut's Windlass by Jim Butcher (2015)

I still can't quite decide if I actually liked this book or not. I read all 630 pages, but every time I discussed it with my wife, during the read, it was always to complain about things that irritated me.

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Jade City by Fonda Lee (2017)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Jade City by Fonda Lee (2017)

Well, I'm afraid that's it."Game over, man. Game over!"
I pushed myself as far as I could but I just have to call it quits.

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Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty (2017)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty (2017)

This wasn't what I was expecting. Wait, that's not quite right. It was what I was expecting just not the way I was expecting it.

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