What I’m currently reading…

Judge Dredd Year One

Abaddon Books paperback edition of Judge Dredd Year One

I know these 2000AD novels aren’t what you would call mainstream reads for book lovers, since their origins were established in comics, but I love this world. So I’m indulging myself.

Paris Adrift by E.J. Swift (2018)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Paris Adrift by E.J. Swift (2018)

To sum up this book in a word...frustrating!
This seems like two different story ideas mashed into one, when both would have been perfectly acceptable on their own.

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Wanderers by Chuck Wendig (2019)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Wanderers by Chuck Wendig (2019)

My dyslexia quite literally makes me terrified of big hefty books like Chuck Wendig's Wanderers. Even short books can be hard work for me to read. So, in all honesty, I wasn't expecting to finish this monster.

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Rebellion by Lou Morgan (2013)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Rebellion by Lou Morgan (2013)

Well, this is a tough one...

I think it's what you'd call a love-hate relationship.
I enjoyed the writing and the characters (well, for the most part) but I'm finding it hard to say I enjoyed the book.

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