Timekeepers by Catherine Webb (2004)

Little Brown Book Group papaerback edition of Timekeepers by Catherine Webb

Fast-paced: mesmerising

Book cover blurb

With the aid of the Pandora Spirits, the elder Gods have taken a giant step toward freeing the dread Lord Cronus. It seems that Earth's only hope rests with Sam Linnifer and the power of the Light bestowed upon him by Time. But unleashing the Light would have deadly consequences for Sam. For to do so, he must touch the mind of every human on Earth. And to save their souls, he may have to destroy himself…

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My Review

Yes, another five-star rating for Catherine Webb, or whatever pseudonym she may write under. That's three books I've read and three max-star ratings so far. I'm becoming convinced that everything this writer publishes is going to blow me away.

Anyway, to the book...
I think I actually enjoyed this sequel even more than I enjoyed Waywalkers: the first book in this duology. There's no messing about here, no build-up, no getting to know the world or characters, we know all that stuff already, we are just plunged head-first into the action. It's all quite high-paced, there's a great chase scene near the beginning between Tinkerbell and Sam. And it was fantastic to finally get to see Thor in this offering. Not that Thor was really Thor…you need to read it to get it.

The story is pretty much single-track and compact so it's easy to follow. The ending is a little abstract but to my surprise, I actually enjoyed that, testament again to Catherine's amazing writing. Speaking of the writing, the prose here isn't as elegant, flowery, dressed-up, or whatever phrase you prefer, as it is in the books of hers I’ve read thus far, but even with a more direct form of wordplay it is still a wonderful read.

And the fact that this writer published her first novel at the age of fourteen still utterly blows my mind.

My copy of this novel

Little Brown Book Group paperback edition.

Published in 2004

309 pages

ISBN 9781904233435


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